I'm interested in having new students and post-docs. If you are a prospective student considering dynamical systems, or a post-doc specializing in dynamics or ergodic theory, you could check my projects page to see if something there appeals to you. In any case, I've very diverse interests: drop me a line and we can chat.
Edhin Mamani Castillo (since July 2023) . He is the post-doc of the project Equilibrium States for geodesic flows without conjugate points.
Phd students
Victor Janeiro (since August 2023, UFMG) w/Radu Saghin.
Ana Carolina Dias do Amaral Ramos (May 2023) - PhD dissertation title: Center Dynamics and Maximum Entropy Measures for Partially Hyperbolics Systems
Currently: assistant professor at UFLA.
Túlio Vales (March 2021, UFMG) w/ Sonia Pinto de Carvalho - PhD dissertation title: Passeios e bilhares: uma incursão em sistemas dinâmicos aleatórios (Walks and Billiards: an incursion into random dynamical systems).
Currently: assistant professor at UFU. The results of Túlio's thesis were published here and here.
MSc students
Flávio Menezes - Webpage - (since March 2023, UFMG)
Victor Janeiro (August 2023, UFMG) - MSc project title: Existence of robust non-uniformly hyperbolic endomorphism in homotopy classes. Part of Victor's dissertation is published here.
Undergrad Research (Iniciação Científica)
Bruno Berganholi Dias - (2022-2023, UFMG) - Research project: Equidistribution in Dynamical Systems.
Frederico Coutinho Lacerda - (2022, UFMG) - Research project: Some Methods In Functional And Harmonic Analysis For Frequency Domain Study Via Fourier Transforms. See here for his monography (TCC in Electrical Engineering).
Bruno Berganholi Dias - (2021-2022, UFMG) - Research project: Dynamics of satellites and problems in Celestial Mechanics.
Rafael Goncalves Almeida Ottoni - (2021-2022, UFMG) - Research project: Dynamics of satellites and problems in Celestial Mechanics.
Flávio Menezes - (2021-2022, UFMG) - Research Project: Geometric Topology. Webpage. His project was selected by the department for the UFMG undergrad knowledge week 2022.
Victor Janeiro - (2020-2021, UFMG) - Research Project: Jakobson's theorem. See here for Victor's monography.
Gustavo Dehaini - (2018-2019, UFMG) - Research Project: Gromov's Non-squeezing theorem.