
I'm a dynamicist. My interests are diverse, but they are centered in partially hyperbolic systems (in particular, their geometrical properties) and smooth ergodic theory (non-uniformly hyperbolic systems and thermodynamic formalism for partially hyperbolic maps). All my publications can be found here and also at arXiv (link)


Non-uniformly hyperbolic endomorphisms

Martin Andersson, Pablo D. Carrasco, Radu Saghin


Rigidity of equilibrium states and unique quasi-ergodicity for horocyclic foliations

Pablo D. Carrasco, Federico Rodriguez-Hertz


Non uniformly hyperbolic systems

Extended flexibility of Lyapunov exponents for Anosov diffeomorphisms

Pablo D. Carrasco, Radu Saghin

Transactions of the American Math. Society, vol. 375(5), 2022, pp. 3411–3449

A new example of robustly transitive diffeomorphism

Pablo D. Carrasco, Davi Obata

Math Research Letters, vol. 8(3), 2021, pp. 665-679

Random Products of Standard Maps

Pablo D. Carrasco

Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 377(2), 2020, pp. 773-810

Non-Uniformly Hyperbolic Diffeomorphisms Derived from the Standard Map

Pierre Berger, Pablo D. Carrasco

Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 329(1), 2014, pp. 239-262

Foliations and Dynamics

On the Number of Periodic Points for Expansive Pseudo-Groups

Pablo D. Carrasco, Elias Rego, Jana Rodriguez-Hertz

Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. 186, 2024

Symbolic dynamics for normally hyperbolic foliations

Pablo D. Carrasco

Dynamical Systems, vol. 33(3), 2018, pp. 419-440

Compact dynamical foliations

Pablo D. Carrasco

Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, vol. 35(8), 2015, pp. 2474-2498

Partially Hyperbolic Systems

Invariance of entropy for maps isotopic to Anosov

Pablo D. Carrasco, Cristina Lizana, Enrique Pujals, Carlos H. Vásquez

Nonlinearity, vol. 34(3), 2021, pp. 1612-1632

Classification of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms under some rigid conditions

Pablo D. Carrasco, Enrique Pujals, Federico Rodriguez Hertz

Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, vol. 41(9), 2021, pp. 2770-2781

A symmetric Random Walk defined by the time-one map of a geodesic flow

Pablo D. Carrasco, Túlio Vales

Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - A, vol. 41(6), 2021, pp. 2891-2905

Partial Hyperbolicity in Dimension Three

Pablo D. Carrasco, Federico Rodriguez Hertz, Jana Rodriguez Hertz, Raúl. Ures

Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, vol. 8(31), 2018, pp. 2801-2837

Equilibrium States

Equilibrium states for center isometries

Pablo D. Carrasco, Federico Rodriguez-Hertz

Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, First view, 2023, pp. 1--61

Geometrical constructions of equilibrium states

Pablo D. Carrasco, Federico Rodriguez Hertz

Mathematics Research Reports, vol. 2, 2021, pp. 45-54


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